Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conservation of Natural Resources

We should be proud of our country’s natural bounty and unique bio-diversity. India is amongst the rare countries where major biomes of the world are represented. India is one among the twelve countries where 60-70% of the world’s total biodiversity exists. India has two out of the 18 biodiversity hot spots in the world. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and culture. Independent India has traveled a long way on the path of progress and industrialization in order to achieve better quality of life. We have accelerated the process of development without considering the adverse impact on nature and environment. The development without care for environment has posed threats to the very existence of life itself. Now the realization that mere progress and economic development cannot solve all our problems has increased. Development and environment should go hand in hand. Sustainable development is the new paradigm. The Ministry of Environment and Forests has drawn many programmes and policies to combat these problems. Steps are being taken to preserve the pristine eco-systems through establishment of Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks and Biosphere Reserves. More and newer areas are being brought into-the protected areas status. At the same time, steps have been †¢taken for welfare of the forest people, particularly the tribals, who have lived in the forests for centuries and who are also repository of traditional knowledge on conservation and sustainable utilization. The National Museum of Natural History is an important institutional tool for spreading awareness on the evolution of our Universe and life on it. It has played a strong and active role in creating environmental awareness. I am happy to say that the Museum has been active in creating such awareness hrough a number of educational programmes, exhibitions, nature camps etc. for more than two-and-a-half decades. Today, the Museum and its Regional Centres are recognized as the centres for non-formal environmental education. It is indeed a pleasure for all of us to be celebrating the 25th Year of the Foundation of the Museum. I am happy to see that a number of children have participated in various activities of the Museum. These activities will help all of you in developing a sense of environmental responsibility, which is so essential in our every day life. It is the absence of this responsibility which is causing problems on our streets, residential areas, market places and other public places. This leaves you all – responsible citizens of tomorrow, with a great burden to shoulder. But I am confident that you have the capacity not merely of shouldering this burden but also influencing people much older to you in following environmental discipline. I wish the officers and staff of National Museum of Natural History the very best in their future endeavour. I would like to thank and congratulate Prof. Yash Pal who has delivered his Key-note on the relevant theme. We need such scientists who could contribute to spread scientific temper among masses which will eventually lead to betterment of their lives and better understanding of the delicate web of life that exists on this only planet known to sustain life. I congratulate the winners of Awards for Prevention of Pollution, Rajiv Gandhi Award for Clean Technology and Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar. The awardees for the best original writings in Hindi on environmental issues also deserve my special appreciation for their efforts in popularization of environmental issues in the official languages. There is dearth of such literature in the regional languages. The Ministry will encourage other regional languages also which will help to take the environmental message to the grass root levels, across the country. I am personally grateful to our Hon’ble Vice President, Thiru. Shekhawatji to have accepted the invitation to grace the occasion. I know that he is keenly interested in the issues related to environment. His own State of Rajasthan is an example of all climate adversities, yet you can see maximum vibrancy of all forms of life that exist there including those of fellow citizens.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What Can Parents Do to Protect Children from the Bad Influence of Television Violence?

Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior in the developing children’s mind. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming has a highly explicit violent content. Numerous studies has been conducted on the effect television violence has on children and adolescence, and all of it shows negative feedbacks. Children tend to develop emotional numbness to all the horror seen on the screen, and gradually accept violence as a norm and a way to solve problems. Parents can protect their children by engaging them in different after school programs, paying attention to the television their children are watching and try to block some channels showing inappropriate content. One of the most disturbing facts of modern life is the abundance of wasted time spent watching mindless television programs. Children who spend more time in front of the television are more susceptible to all the violence in the media, and not only that they grow to be more aggressive, but also more passive. One way to avoid that is to involve the kid into different after school activities like arts and crafts programs or outdoor sports. Extracurriculars let the children enjoy themselves in a fun, stress-free environment, get some exercises, and make friends outside of school instead of being trapped at home alone with the only source of entertainment, the TV. It is a proven fact that television and media content are affecting how children and teens perceive the world around them. One way to help ease the negative effect of it is to help them understand what is wrong and what not. Parents should be aware of what children are watching, and if there is something violent and upset them, it is important to help them through that. Although the violent content, television can offer some very valuable educational programs as well, which could open doors to new fields of knowledge, when viewed responsible and sensibly. That is why parents should not eliminate the television, just get involved into what the child is watching, and explain why violent and the explicit is not worth watching. Parents can not control what children are doing, or watching every second of the day, that is why many parents rely on some sort of channel blockers. By restricting access to certain channels with violent and explicit language, parents can keep the unwanted content away from the eyes of their children. Childproofing the cable television is one of the best ways to keep the kids away of television violence, but yet it does not guarantee that the kids are protected. The control of the parents over their viewing time and content is most important of all. Television has become more violent in content in the recent years. Although the media experts are trying to market the explicit content, there are still should be some limits and restriction on what has to be shown on the big screen and what not. Until that happens, parents are the only regulators of that content and as so, they have the right to rule the remote control in their living room.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Positive Approach to the Future

A Positive Approach Towards the Future The issue of mandatory school uniforms has taken on several debates over the past decade; it is believed that this issue will plague public schools for decades to come. Students who wear uniforms feel a sense of being superior with their fellow classmates. This feeling of being part of a group boosts morale and individual confidence, thus leading to higher grades. Children will be more focused in a uniform classroom. There is no more distraction as to what the other kids are wearing or who has the name brand shoes. Girls will be dressed appropriately and clothing will fit properly. This adds to the learning experience. There is no more competition. There is no more rivalry and the children are able to focus on their schoolwork and not on the latest trends ( Bodine 67-69). Former President Clinton made a state of the union address in 1996; in that address, the subject of mandatory school uniforms was mentioned. If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms (Williams). In fact, that year in Long Beach, California, the first district to implement mandatory uniform policies, assault dropped by sixty-seven percent, vandalism by eighty-two percent, and robbery by thirty-five percent. Overall crime was reduced by seventy-three percent the first year the policy was in place (Williams). This was a direct reflection of the uniform policy. Students were more disciplined and behaved in a more mature manner. These students took pride in themselves and others. With the lack of material items to fight over, students no longer felt the need to use aggression towards others, proving that school uniforms do in fact improve student behavior. Also when it comes to crime, a student wearing a school logo, is less apt to commit a crime outside of school while in uniform because it would be easier to track him based off of the school information on the uniform? This lowers the crime rate for the general public as well as the in school instances. Not only do mandatory uniform policies for public schools offer the potential for higher educational benefits and improved student discipline, school uniforms dissolve social boundaries between classmates. Students are no longer judged based off their appearance but by who they are on the inside. There is no more competition between social classes that these students may have otherwise felt and they work together as a team and share a common pride. All students will feel a sense of belonging. No longer will lower income children be labeled as poor based off of their clothing. All children will appear as equals in the classroom and will be treated as such. However, some may argue that uniformity takes away from the students individuality. Many children, especially teens, express themselves through their personal styles and the way they dress. Sometimes children need to feel special or unique and dressing a certain way is how they accomplish this. Uniformity takes away from the First Amendment by taking away freedom of expression. If we take away the freedom of expression, we are taking away our childrens creativity and conforming them into a society where free thinking is not accepted. However this is not the case. The uniform does not change who the child is on the inside or how he thinks creatively. Students will still be able to focus creative energy through activities such as art, music, writing or sports. There are several creative outlets besides the choice of clothing options. When it comes to our economy, we as Americans must pinch our pennies where we can. Many parents are faced with the dilemma of outfitting their children in the latest trends or putting money towards more important things like saving for their childrens college education. Some families are unable to afford the popular named brand clothing that their children desires, which make the children, feel inadequate in school when they are forced to wear lesser brand clothes or second hand outfits. School uniforms would take away that hassle of finding bargains to ensure that their children feel confident in their attire. Uniforms are generally more durable than the average street clothes. Granted, the cost may be a bit more substantial in the beginning, but the uniforms will last longer which means there is less out of pocket expense for replacement articles. With uniforms, the parents may only have to purchase two or three sets compared to several pairs of bottoms and tops. Uniforms are more durable and can be washed more frequently compared to regular clothes. This makes them the better option not only for lower income families, but all families in general (Romero C4+). Critics claim that uniforms will cost the families more money in the long run because parents will be forced to buy the uniforms and regular clothing for their children to wear when they are not in school. The cost for parents may double that of just buying traditional school clothes. Although this is partly true, that yes, parents will be faced to make additional purchases for their children, in reality, they really wont be spending that much more money if any. Since uniforms are more durable, the parents only need to buy a limited supply and since the children will only be wearing their regular clothes outside of school, parents will not have to buy as many outfits. Most children wear out their clothes while in school. Since this is not an issue with the uniforms, the traditional street clothes will last longer, hence saving the parents money in the long run. Also without the constant competition in schools, children may not feel the need to have the latest brands and styles as they would if they were wearing the clothes to school on a daily basis around other social classes (King 3-5). With all of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing mandatory uniform wear into our public schools, there needs to be a compromise. Some schools have decided that it is best to make minor changes to the dress code policy. When it comes to school uniforms, there is a never-ending debate as to what the right approach and the wrong approach may be for our public schools. Works Cited Bodine,A.. aâ‚ ¬? School uniforms, academic achievement, and uses of researchaâ‚ ¬?. The Journal ofEducational Research 19 Feb. 2008: 67-73. Print. King, K. A. Should school uniforms be mandated in elementary school?. 2010: 3+. Print. Romero, E. aâ‚ ¬? School uniform countdownaâ‚ ¬?. Daily News Record, 16 Aug. 1999, C2+. Print. Williams, D. aâ‚ ¬? School uniforms: The raging debateaâ‚ ¬?. n. d. Web. 5 Aug. 2011.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting in University Essay

Strategic Management Accounting in University - Essay Example The strategies are implemented with the help of a number of activities whose progress has to be assessed in order to control the activities and assure the achievement of the goals of the organisations various type of performance indicators are used by the organisation. In this segment the various forms of performance indicators used by the organisations including those which are used by the University of Newland has been analysed to assess the present techniques used by the management of the of University of Newland and identify the alternative techniques which can be used by the university to measure the performance. 2.1 Traditional method Traditionally organisations used to measure their performance with the help of various financial techniques like ratio analysis, trend analysis etc. These techniques were used to evaluate the performance of the companies or other organisations and the results were often compared with that of the desired level of the organisation which is also term ed as benchmark. Ratio analysis is done on the historical data that is after the activities have already been done and the financial statements have been prepared. Most of the data used in ratio analysis are mainly used from the financial statements. The ratio analysis helps to ascertain the financial position of the organisation as well as the profitability and the managerial performance of the organisation. This is a very useful and convenient performance indicator which is prevalent in today’s time also. The main disadvantage of ratio analysis is that ratio analysis uses historical data which cannot be used to analyse the ongoing performance of the organisation. Another disadvantage of this kind of performance measurement tool is that through this type of analysis... The paper tells that every organization whether it is a profit making organization or non-profit making organization has various vision and mission. The objectives or the organisations are focussed on this achievement of the vision and mission of the organisation. The organisation at various time adopt a number of strategies to achieve the mission of the organisation. These strategies are focussed on the objectives of the organisation. To achieve the organisational objectives it is very important to control the activities of the organisation. In this regard tools and techniques of management accounting can be used to control the organisational activities and direct them towards the attainment of the organisational goals. Thus strategic management accounting helps the mangers to take strategic decisions by providing useful financial and nonfinancial information. After analysing the strategic environment, costing and budgeting techniques it can be concluded that the education environme nt is quite favourable to successfully run universities but the costing and budgeting techniques used by the University is quite outdated and the University must adopt the newer approaches of cost allocation and budgeting which would improve the strategic position and efficiency of the organisation. The organisation should also adopt the newer performance indicators which would not only increase the efficiency of the organisation but will also help the organisation in achieving the strategic goals.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trendsetters shops Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Trendsetters shops - Assignment Example The small and medium enterprises are the enterprises which play a very important role in the global economy and constitute 90% of the global economy. Because of the saturity in the developed countries the Small and medium sized enterprises are making more advancements in the developing nations which are mainly the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). The WTO has recognized the importance of these small scale industries and thus has promoted these industries. The small and medium enterprises are the enterprises which begin with their own innovations and inventions and survive competition in order to succeed globally. This report is a personal report and in this topic I will focus mainly on the development of our own small medium enterprise called the â€Å"Trendsetters† in which I and my brother are partners and it is a family business. I have been into this business as soon as I completed my higher secondary exams. I began my role in the firm as accountant. This t opic and firm has been chosen by me for my research purpose as I have personalized experience in the firm and I foresee my future in this firm. Beginning of as an accountant in the business I have started managing all the aspects of the business in order to carry our family legacy further. I and my brother have started discussions concerning all details about the shop like the supply chain procedures that we need to adopt, the pricing and the marketing strategies that needs to be implemented, the seasonal highs and lows etc. â€Å"SMEs enhance competition and entrepreneurship and hence have external benefits on economy wide efficiency, innovation, and aggregate productivity growth. SMEs are generally more productive than large firms. SME expansion boosts employment more than large firm growth because SME are more labor intensive† (Small and Medium Enterprises, 2011, P.1). This research will shed light on â€Å"Trendsetters† as case study and example of successful small business in India. This research relies on the case study methodology, whereby personal description is provided which calls for analytical as well as descriptive study and provides accurate information on the actual developments in the research topic. 2. History of Trendsetters Shop: My Grandmother was the brain from where such an idea of family business emerged. She was a great textile designer and she could make her own designs which of course she did not market but created for her own family uses. Due to her talent people came to her for design tips on their clothes. My father grew up hearing this that many people wanted my grandmother to start her own small business but my grandmother was afraid because of the knits and guts that is required in the business field. My father had then acquired his business administration degree and instead of venturing out and sourcing him to other firms he decided with grandmother to start his own business so that his academic excellence and my grandmother’s ideas of design could merge together and they started a small garment factory. There was difficulty in procurement of initial capital and the initial capital was a loan with 10% interest from the Regional Rural Bank in our locality. With 5 of my grandmother’s friends our business’s first contract began. It was a very small contract but it ensured confidence in my father to further the business. My father became the managing director of the firm. The present number of employees in the firm is 75 which consist of designers, purchase officials, logistics officials and marketing officials. Comments: Even though the enterprise is a small scale it shows the merger of business idea with high academic excellence. It is notable how the family merged skills with education in order to start their own business. â€Å"Another area in which small entrepreneur has faced the difficulty is that of management. The principles of management have not been properly stu died and translated into practice owing to the influence of old traditions and customs. It has seldom bothered to

Monday, August 26, 2019

A Brief Literature Review Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Brief Literature Review - Coursework Example Biomedical discipline has recognized the significance of drawing on the wide learning potential derived from qualitative research (Black, 1994). Qualitative research has a big contribution in the fields of medicine, health and public health (Merriam et al. 40). A good qualitative research is one that went through the following 6 steps; 2. Background literature review: it helps one to find out what other people have found out concerning the question. It helps you to be well informed and be more specific about the topic. It also helps one to determine if there is need for the question to be answered (Seidman, Irving 27). Debate and guidance around the quality of qualitative research has often been overshadowed by a kind of ‘disciplinary tribalism’ (Pawson, 2001) whereby polemic debate between quantitative vs qualitative theory the needs of practitioners trying to apply its findings.When one plans to asses the evaluation studies through qualitative study methods in social work, it is imperative that the question of criteria to be used to evaluate the related research studies is critical ( Seale, 2002). In public health it helpful since it does not only answer the research question of how something works but also why it is working. The department of health in 2004 reframed health in the context of its wider economic, social and cultural determinants. The parallel developments of evidence based practice and model of health improvement constitute the determinants at large of health as created by gulf between the significance of addressing health related inequalities and the critical evidenc e to help inform the practice. This translates into a mismatch between increasing multi-disciplinary models of health policy (Davey-Smith, Ebrahim, & Frankel, 2001) and a continued reliance on models of bio medically foccused evidence, emphatic on experiment concepts and attachmnt to attribution. Furthermore, alot translats to

Down Syndrome Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Down Syndrome - Research Paper Example In this assignment the particular emphasis would be on translocation as it occurs in Downs’ Syndrome. Downs’ Syndrome is also known as trisomy 21 in which the process of translocation occurs on the chromosome number 21. This essay would further revolve around Downs’ Syndrome putting forward each and every aspect that is important in understanding the syndrome. Translocation In order to understand the basics of Down syndrome one has to know enough about the structural abnormality of translocation. Translocation is a process in which the whole segment of a chromosome is exchanged by another chromosome. In other words a part of chromosome is exchanged with another part of another chromosome. There are two types of translocations known as reciprocal translocations and Robertosonian translocations. Reciprocal translocation takes place when segments are exchanged between nonhomologous pairs of chromosomes. Reciprocal translocation usually does not cause any disease or symptom but it may cause leukemia. However in some cases this type of translocation leads to abnormal fertilization and hence abnormal birth. Robertosonian translocations are the ones which are more lethal and occur between two acrocentric chromosomes. The acrocentric chromosomes break near the centromere or the middle part of the chromosome and then join together in such a way that the p arm of the chromosome is lost. This type of translocation occurs in many different types of syndromes and can cause a profound effect on the individual. Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome is a cause of Robertosonian translocation and has a profound effect on the individual (Sadler 2009; Ugazio et al 1990) Prevalence of Down syndrome Down syndrome has been seen as a major chromosomal disorder occurring in the United States. The incidence of Down syndrome found in the newborns of United States is 1 in 700. The problem is further aggravating as the genetic problem has yet not been provided with any cure. The problem of Down syndrome has increased over decades and this has been proved by a research carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although women choose to end pregnancies with trisomy 21 it is still seen that the genetic problem is on the increase. It was also found that mothers with an age over 35 were more prone to the problem than the mothers who were below that age. Although the problem has been accounted to the maternal age it is still seen that the birth trends move women to give birth at an older age. The CDC reported an increase from 9 infants per 10,000 births to 11.8 in 10 diverse states of the United States of America. However on the other hand the prevalence of Down syndrome has remained steady in the United Kingdom. Prenatal diagnosis and other methods have also helped mothers to get over the problems that are associated with the syndrome. It was estimated that around 92 percent of the mothers choose abortion when they found that the embryo had trisomy 21 (James 2009). History of Down syndrome Although much has become known about Down syndrome in the recent centuries it is analyzed that the syndrome dates back to the 16th century. The condition could not be recognized in those times until finally in 1866 when Doctor John Langdon Down found about it. He analyzed that many of the children that he was treating shared certain characteristics. Before the syndrome was identified

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Immigration - Essay Example However, in the pursuit of the freedom and success that people dream about, many migrate to foreign countries, risking so many things and achieving nothing but being trapped in similar or even worse situations than those which they have left at home. This paper will look deeper into the political and economic issues which are the issues people leave home and the same problems which they face in their new residents as well as possible remedies for such situations. In Flight from Oaxaca, the author shares why Luz Dominguez, Marcela Melquiades and other Mexican immigrants have left their homes. It is revealed that the primary reason for their flights is poverty. They all agree that life in their country of origin is difficult where the minimum wage cannot even be enough to feed their families. Their poverty, though, is not because they are lazy. Instead there are forces that are out of their control. For instance, the political situation in Oaxaca, a state of Mexico, brought about too many difficulties to the citizens. In 2006, there had been so many protests because of the belief that there was fraud in the July presidential election. This led to the paralysis of major businesses. In addition, other grievances came out due to the situation. For instance, citizens claim that Mexico is not a poor country but it has become one because the oil which is being exported does not go back to the people which, they have now questioned. Mexicans say that if the government will only do its job well, the people will not suffer and will not have to choose moving out of the country. For reasons of poverty and political issues, Dominguez and other Mexicans crossed the borders to the United States. However, they seem to have forgotten to consider that even in the United States, there are political issues and poverty is also a common problem to the residents. It may be true that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Presentation PowerPoint Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PowerPoint Presentation Example Dependency theory takes this a step ahead and identifies the relationship between the dependency on a particular type of media and the number of needs it fulfills for a person. Higher dependency on the media also results in higher influence and power of that media on that individual. This is in line with the Agenda Setting theory. Combination of these theories results in the Dependency theory preposition: As a persons dependency on media increases to fulfill needs, that media becomes more and more important to that person At a conceptual level this theory gives an integrated outlook of audiences, media and social system. The degree on dependence on media is governed by two factors (Dependency Theory, 2004). First, the number of needs satisfied by a media; more needs satisfied, more you are dependent on that media. Second, social conditions; if there is a situation of social conflict or change then media is depended on to make choices/decisions. However, apart from these factors there are several external factors that can influence a person’s choice of media such as culture, social context etc. These factors that are not under the control of an individual act as constraints on the choice and degree of media usage. Increasing involvement of audience in information processing relayed/published by media can result in a three-fold effect – Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral (Dependency Theory, 2004). Dependency theory is applicable to mass media at micro, meso, and macro levels. Scope of application includes individuals, interpersonal networks, organizations, social systems and societies. One of the critiques for this theory initially argued that information shared by interpersonal networks is not accounted for. This is not a strong critique as even in these networks someone would have picked up the information from media only (Lindsay Ems, 2008). This theory has some features that make it widely

Friday, August 23, 2019

Early Victorian Prisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Early Victorian Prisons - Essay Example Prisons are considered to be institutions used for imprisonment or incarceration and in England today accommodation for prisoners in these institutions are divided into wings that are usually identified by a name, number, or letter. Today there are an estimated nine million people imprisoned worldwide, with the United Kingdom alone accounting for approximately 73 000 inmates in its facilities. This high proportion of prisoners has been associated with many things, such as better funded criminal justice systems, a more strict approach to law and order, and a larger gap between the rich and the poor. There are numerous differences between the prisons of today and those of years ago; one major change being that in early Victorian England people were imprisoned and often sentenced for lengthy periods of time for seemingly important things such as 'picking oakum', whereas in today's world that is certainly not the same situation. Victorian prisons were seen as unpleasant and rundown places with a main goal to keep the surroundings as miserable as possible in an attempt to deter people from committing crimes. The prisons were small, old, and badly-run. London and its suburbs held over a dozen prisons in all, and debtors and convicts, those to be rehabilitated and those simply to be detained all had no trouble finding a place to wait out their days. By the 1860s there were two distinct types of Victorian prisons: the local and the convict prisons. The older, which dated back from as far back as the Saxon times, was called the local prison. This itself was made up of two equally distinct parts: the jail (or gaol) and the House of Correction. Prisons in England during the early Victorian era are of particular interest and subjectivity, and in order to be able to come to a clearer and more cognitive view on this subject matter, the following questions must be addressed: 1. What are prisons 2. To what extent did early Victorian prisons in England deter and reform criminals 3. What are some conclusions that can be made on early Victorian prisons in England By discussing these four questions, we can come to a more knowledgeable and understanding opinion on this subject of interest. This is what will be dissertated in the following. What are Prisons Prisons are literally defined as places where persons are confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms, as punishment for particular and often various crimes. Prisons are also often times used as a tool of political repression, particularly in times of heightened war or conflict. "A prison system is the organizational arrangement of the provision and operation of prisons." The United Kingdom has the highest incarceration rate among all of Western Europe, with an approximated 109 out of every 100 000 people imprisoned in the present day; today there are 139 prisons in England and Wales, with 19 of those having been built rather recently - 1995 or beyond. The rise in the prison population in England has been primarily attributed to changes in terms of sentencing. Crimes such as shoplifting and other forms of petty theft have overtly harsher sentences in the present day than years ago; in 1995 alone over 129 people were in prison for shoplifting, and in 2001, 3 000 people were sent to prison for petty theft for a first time

Thursday, August 22, 2019

South Parks Satire Essay Example for Free

South Parks Satire Essay South Park, a widely popular animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, debuted August 13, 1997 on Comedy Central. Intended for mature audiences, the show has become infamous for its crude, surreal, satirical, and dark humor that covers a wide range of topics. This type of comedy is widely successful across a variety of shows, due in part to societies conformation to social archetypes, which prohibits unacceptable behavior. These shows display characters who have freedom to act however they desire with no consequences from doing so. Simply, people are entertained most seeing portrayed in television what they themselves cannot, or are not permitted, to do in everyday life. Diversity and Discrimination South Park, by nature, exploits the taboo by using it as a means to draw in the attention of its viewers. Captivated, they watch as their beliefs, social tendencies, and media are senselessly torn apart and twisted into an unrecognizable form. However, instead of acting in revolt, or criticizing the remarks made, they find it amusing. Naturally, this crude humor has been called out for crossing the line, but the negative publicity the show receives only serves to draw in more viewers. The viewers, in turn are convinced to sit and watch as they are stereotyped and bashed by a show meant to entertain them. An fairly well known quote, of unknown origins, goes something like, â€Å"If you cant laugh at yourself, then how can you laugh at anybody else?† This is fitting, as many of South Parks viewers are prompted to do just that. If anything, this self-criticism is beneficial as it raises awareness to diversity in our culture and in the show, as silly as it sounds, everyone is disc riminated against equally. Unrestrained Entertainment So, the answer as to how people can watch a show, such as South Park, whos every line is laced with crude and satirical humor is actually quite simple. As viewers laugh at each other, they in turn laugh at themselves. Equality isnt necessarily an overwhelming factor to entertaining the masses, but instead opens the door for South Park, and other shows alike, to make fun of any subject, or topic, the creators so desire. This goes back to societies tendency to be entertained by character portrayals that are unrestrained by everyday rules or normalizations. The simplistic cartoon is in fact a cunning play on basic instinct, and because of this deceit, is widely popular amongst many who enjoy the shallow humor that delivers a quick, yet gratifying, laugh. Influential Entertainment Many are quick to blame the dark humor for directly changing views of proper conduct in adolescent individuals. They believe the show itself poses a negative influence upon those who are unable to comprehend that it is purely meant for humor, and that it does not demonstrate socially acceptable behavior. They firmly declare that the unrestrained nature of the show itself leads to the aforementioned pliable individuals acting in ways they otherwise would not. They insist that the network airing such shows are solely to blame, with little to no responsibility falling on their own shoulders. Such a stance is ridiculous at best. Those making the claims are too naive as to what truly influences society, and a comedic cartoon, while on the list, is not going to be near the top. This is due in part to the restrictions placed on programs via TV rating systems, which classifies South Park as MA, for mature audiences only, and the parental enforcement against those who should not be watching i t in the first place. Discussion The critical argument against consumption of any kind, whether its media or otherwise, is the unhealthy or negative side effects it may impose. South Park, while crude, surreal and satirical, provides a view into unrestrained consequence free life which surprisingly offers an alternative yet informative view on unfiltered criticism of the diversity of American culture. This fact alone stands to counteract the previous argument and displays that the basis of the show is to provide entertainment to mature audiences who will understand the dark humor and will respond with decency knowing that in the end, it is simply just a cartoon.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Firefighter Paper Essay Example for Free

Firefighter Paper Essay In this cynical age, firefighting remains a heroic and noble profession. The images of fire professionals we see on television and in film are often romanticized versions of day-to-day life on the job. What is the life of a firefighter really like? The Job According to a 1993 survey, annual starting salaries for firefighters in major cities fall in the range of $28,000 to $46,000 with overtime pay. Firefighters receive health, disability and retirement benefits, and many consider the work schedule beneficial as well (rotating 24-hour shifts). No two days are alike, and the work is as varied as it is unpredictable. Responding to Calls Gender and Race in the Urban Fire Service reveals what its like to enter a burning building. those entering a building are often confronted with such intense heat and heavy smoke that it is impossible for them to walk upright or to make out their surroundings. They wear face masks and air tanks to allow them to breathe, but the tanks are heavy, the time limited and the breathing process awkward. The location is almost always completely unfamiliar, filled with obstacles and unknown hazards. While the engine crew works on the ground with water to put the fire out, a truck crew ventilates the building, opening a sufficiently large hole in the roof to allow heat, smoke and gasses to escape so that the ground crew can do its work. Roof work is not only dangerous, but generally requires a high level of strength, skill and coordination. If there are possible victims, either crew may become involved in search and rescue (or body recovery), which means working ones way through this foreign environment in darkness and heat, unsure what you may find, taking care not to become trapped or disoriented. In many municipal fire departments, an increasing emphasis is placed on emergency medical services (EMS). Currently at the Oakland Fire Department, 80 percent of calls are EMS calls. In many cases a fire crew is nearer to an emergency than an ambulance or paramedic unit. Most new firefighters are also trained as emergency medical technicians, and candidates with previous paramedic experience are desirable. Not all of a firefighters workday is spent responding to calls, however, and not all calls require significant activity. Many times calls involve false alarms or situations where no emergency exists. Firefighters spend a high proportion of their time taking care of nonemergency calls, including activities such as fire inspections, practice drills, physical training, housekeeping and maintenance chores station maintenance as well as shopping and cooking. Unless youre a firefighter, no one can really understand what we do. We have a special relationship. We have to live for 24 hours together. Its not like an eight-hour day where you can put on a fake thing for eight hours and then you go home. Here, this is our home. Firehouse as Home In most urban departments, firefighters work 24-hour shifts. The schedule involves a rotation of three shifts, so that two of every three days are free. Since firefighters literally live together for 24 hours, the firehouse becomes a combination of work and home, and coworkers constitute a sort of second family. Firefighters often spend more time with crew members than with their own families. The station is fashioned like home, placed in a work setting. There are officers quarters, a dormitory-type sleeping area, a communal bathroom with showers and toilets, a big kitchen and a lounge or TV room. In most stations, meals are eaten at a large table in the kitchen. Outdoor areas may also include a barbecue, a patio or a deck. Firefighters share personal living space and eat meals together while on duty. To make things work, crewmembers must be trustworthy and participate in household chores. a good firefighter is someone who can perform not only on the fireground or at a medical emergency, but also as a good roommate or family member. Challenges Although the life of a firefighter may seem exciting and glamorous, it has many challenges. Camaraderie and strong bonds between coworkers, along with respect from grateful members of the community is extremely rewarding. However, firefighting is a physically demanding and dangerous occupation. Meeting such hazards requires certain kinds of personal and social qualities, the physical capacity to do the work, the stamina to continue strenuous activity for hours with little rest. But the work requires firefighters to think on their feet, rapidly assess the problem at hand, plan a course of action and then quickly react when conditions change. Throughout an emergency, a firefighter must maintain a constant and heightened awareness, never losing sight of the broader picture while attending to a specific task. Other challenges include a work schedule that requires nights and weekends away from home, sleep deprivation due to work schedule and anxiety and a high level of stress due to exposure to trauma and tragedy. Adventure, challenge, variety, teamwork, service, skill and satisfaction are all aspects of a firefighters life. Most firefighters claim that its the best job in the world. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IN LIFE YOU WANT TO DO YOU JUST NEED TO HAVE THE DETERMINATION AND DRIVE TO WANT TO DO IT!!! P.S. It is the best and most rewarding job I think anyone could have. All you need is a little heart and drive to be in shape and willingness to learn the ropes of fire fighting and you would do fine. Start applying at different locations and stay out of trouble with drugs and alcohol and you won’t have a problem. Good luck with your future!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effects of Bullying on Crime

Effects of Bullying on Crime What does bullying exactly mean? A bully is characterized as an individual who utilizes physical or mental power to impact or scare someone else or to constrain him or her to do what they need. Zimmerman’s article on† Homophobia hurts straight men, too, it discusses a student who commits suicide after his flat mate recorded him and alternate kid having sex. Bullying might be discovered all over the place in homes, on the web, and particularly in school environments. Bullying has a considerable measure of repercussions that influence individuals in many different ways. As of late, bullying has been rebuked for the climbing number of young suicides everywhere throughout the world. Nobody is destined to be a annoying bully, it is a taught expertise by the society (Kropar). A victim of harassing doesnt ask to be harmed; it’s a result of lack of awareness from todays general public. Responsible people like the Department of Education could begin executing stricter guid elines to ensure students. Bullying has turned into an issue that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible to ensure victimised people all over. I believe bullying is an act of mental weakness and lack of self esteem. Youngsters who are raised by a family that has no structural organization or ethics are at a higher risk of becoming bullies. Case in point, a kid who experiences childhood in a substance ill-use home generally gets abused by their guardians physically and verbally particularly when those parents are tweaking for the following high. Therefore they have a tendency to express their emotions by incurring torment on others in light of the fact that they cant take out their agony on their parents for dread of getting abused more. An alternate reason could be because of parents filing for a divorce or having a severe family conflict allowing this kid to feel to sit unbothered ,blaming them selfs for their partition leading them to revolt and carry on towards others by ha rming them physically or verbally. Sibling abuse is additionally normal in homes when, kids are put in a position where parents indicate more consideration and fondness towards one over the other. Some parents don’t understand that they begin this procedure among their kids by making them contend with one another. These kids have a tendency to take out their dissatisfaction on their kins by physically hitting or verbally teasing them. By letting parents more mindful of this issue, they have a superior understanding of how severe this problem is and what needs to be carried out to help prevent this harassing. With todays easy access to tec it is simple for anybody to take a humiliating picture or feature of another person and post it on the web for the entire world to see. An article as of late distributed in Daily Mail, reported a story that occurred miles away in the United States on a little island of Hawaiabout a bunch of high school cheerleaders that were blamed for bully ing by using internet. The school close down the cheerleading squad until an examination is finished. Staggeringly this particular story has gone very far that it has gone almost half away over the globe. Since bullying has turned into a world- wide plague tormenting groups like an irresistible malady everybody is getting included in uncovering such a harsh demonstration, to the point that causes such a great amount of torment to the exploited people involved. A disturbing number of suicides are, no doubt reported by youngsters because of bullying all as far and wide as possible (a British daily paper). In the United States Europe alone there have been occurrences that included school shootings due this issue. Where even children are taking retribution by taking firearms and shooting their associates and educators as a result of shame and embarrassment that they have continued constantly. Case in point, the news publicized a story about a kid who went to class with a firearm and shot a couple of students and a math educator at a elementary school in Nevada simply a month ago in light of bullying. An alternate case, was the first state funded school slaughter that murdered quite a few people, when two young men went in intensely armed and began shooting at everybody. In a late article posted in Civil Beat, on how â€Å"Hawai’i schools are as of now attempting to help tormented children addresses an issue of security for their students. In spite of various endeavors by legislators to get an exact reply from the Department of Education on their arrangements with distinguishing and managing bullies in the instructive framework which they couldnt give an immediate reaction however just given a reaction that there was at that point a guideline set up which was the â€Å"Chapter 19 â€Å"law. It still doesnt characterize the reaction that administrators were searching for (Eagles).School shootings have been more mainstream on the news than 10 years back. There weren’t any phones, advanced digital cameras or tablets accessible in those days and machines werent as astute as it is currently. Individuals were all the more cordial and regarded one another’s sentiments. Presently, the greater part of them couldnt care less as much and rather harm others as opposed to being decent. School authorities and officials need to join their endeavors in battling this issue and consent to distinguish and set standards and regulations to those blamed so as to ensure the security of students all around. As of late, the area has propelled a million dollar fight against tormenting making it openly known to groups everywhere on that this is a severe progressing issue that we all need to address. A Report put together by the Hawaii State Department of Health examines a disturbing detail of suicides among youngsters between the ages of 10 to 17 years old. In a five year period 29 passings by suicide has been accounted for (Hawai’i state audit). There were various explanations for these tragedies that killed such a large number of young people. A few reasons are because of broken families, were there could be families who are separated or have a substance ill-use issue bringing about damage and mischief to these youngsters who sees no option yet to take their torment away by taking their lives. A boyfriend or girlfriend contention that may lead them to slaughter themselves to demonstrate that their life is empty and useless without the other. The most noteworthy of all which is 61 percent is because of obscure reasons, significance there was no clarification or confirmation to show why their lives finished so early. Everybody is influenced by these tragedies including re latives of the deceased. At the point when a youngster take off their lives, there is an unbarring sensation that a guardian experiences alongside inquiries like, why?†Why did he/she do this? Who is at fault for this? What would I be able to have done to stop this? Etc. In some cases it’s tricky to see the indications of demolition a youngster is experiencing inside be that as it may, it serves to have an open association with a grown-up or somebody to converse with before submitting this incomprehensible act. These are simply a couple of facts that was carried out in Hawaii years back not including those from different places. These numbers are disturbing to know particularly when they are broken down into ethnic gatherings, age, sex and reasons of suicides. Harassing comes in numerous manifestations of abuse, whether it be physical, verbal or mental in any case it influences an individual. Because of those reasons alone there have been numerous endeavors of dangers, c utting themselves and even achievement of ending their lives. It is a pitiful circumstance that some of these victimized people needed to persist to get to that point where they felt that it was the main way out. Hotlines and gatherings at schools could be a method for correspondence for some of these children that they could search for help before turning to suicide. Before it turns into a fact, everybody ought to contribute to do their part in halting abuse now. In the event that by being taught to turn into a bully than it is not difficult to say that it could additionally be taught to be a superior individual. By instruction and mindfulness may individuals come to comprehend the importance of progress. It may be hard on the grounds that bullying is openly instructed through TV programs, radio stations, feature amusements fundamentally all over you look violence and tormenting are, no doubt pushed. Youngsters at an early age is an incredible example to begin from on the grounds t hat their psyches are similar to flushed cotton and can assimilate the integrity that later structures them into kind hearted and receptive people that know by harming individuals is not right. Bullying is an uninformed illness that might be infectious just on the off chance that it is spread by those infected. Yet it could additionally be cured by remedies of instruction and familiarity with being justifiable. Citations Daily Mail Reporter, .â€Å"Cheerleaders accused of cyber-bullying at Hawaii high school complain that THEY are being treated unfairly.†Daily Mail (UK) (Daily Mail Report) 20 Nov. 2013 n. page. Print. Eagle, Nathan. â€Å"Hawaii schools are still struggling to help tormented kids.†Civil Beat. July 30, 2012. Hawaii State Dept. of Health, Family Health Service Division, Materna and Child Health Branch,.â€Å"A report from Hawaii child death review 2001 to 2006.† December 2011 78-82. Print. Kropar, Curtis. â€Å"† School bullies: we have no one to blame but ourselves â€Å".†Civil Beat. 02 Aug 2012: Zimmerman, Jonathan. â€Å"Homophobia hurts straight men, too.† Christian Science Monitor 06 Oct. 2010: N.PAG. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fashion Essay -- Social Life, Consumerism

Cathy, a flagship of the intemperance, luxury and economic peculiarity rests on a point where the main emphasis is put on the materialistic, intellectual and moral issues (Cathy, 2003). Fashion is said to have an equal parallel to architecture judging from the sense of personal belonging and to the extent of detachment to it. Therefore, architecture puts itself in a position of social exclusion or inclusion to the ordinary social life of individuals. In normal ordinary life, people have moved an extra mile to use an extra cost to gain the right to feel that they can belong, personally identify, fit in elite and even acquire completeness through acquiring certain branded products irrespective of their the nature and quality (Cathy, 2003). These show some of the feelings attitudes, which people value so intensely to belong to a luxury fashion class. According to Rebecca Arnold, fashion is always a product of the culture of a wider society that is reflected on an innumerable of styles. These changes in brands provide a smooth definition of sexuality, ethnicity, status, gender and class that clearly show the change of culture at a certain time (Arnold, 2001, 4). Her argument goes on to suggest that, the nature of modern fashion is inherently contradictory because of its brands. â€Å"The threats and promise of the future reveals both our anxieties and desires constructingidentities that uses the most stylish dress as a route of self-creation and is still ultimate to self-destruction’ (Evans, c, 2003, 7). In a general sense, fashion could be an experience that affects several social aspects and the anxiety linked to the growth of the metropolis. The entrance of branded and fashioned retail shops creates the metropolis. These provide the lat... ...more complex and sophisticated forms using refined materials. All these concepts are essential because of new fashion and designs that contribute to architecture as a field in general. Therefore, the current era is essentially sensitive and should not be ignored for a lack of positive impact in the welfare of people associated with it as individuals or in the society. For instance, as exemplified in this discussion, attires of personal creation form identity and provide definition for personal space the way architectural structures do, however, on a wider perspective. This whole notion of fashion in clothing has tolerated stature in society for many decades. This occurred especially for people who acquired status within their cultural alignments with the power to continue with this ideology and influence other cultural groups yet to reach their status in society.

To Be, or Be Two Essay -- Essays Papers

To Be, or Be Two Imagine walking down the street, or seeing someone on the television and think they look just like you, or someone you know. As much as they may look like you, you pretty much know there is no relationship between you and the look-alike. However, in today's day and age, it is nearly possible that the look-alike is really a clone of you. Now of course, it is not this simple, but the point is, with science today, cells, and eventually people, are being cloned. These actions of cloning are for both human and therapeutic purposes. Cells are being cloned for the sake of fertility reasons, and to grow cells for new organs. Is this right? I personally disagree with the fact of cloning human embryos for the purpose of creating new people. I feel it is morally wrong, as well as a disadvantage for the clone of the person. Supporting my argument is research from Gary McCuens' Cloning: Science and Society, and an article from The Ithaca Journal, "Stem Cells Grow from Clones, Contro versial Reports Show." While reading Gary McCuens' Cloning: Science and Society, I came across points both for and against cloning human embryos. No matter how hard I tried to read his points with an open mind, I was not able to bring myself to terms with the reasons for cloning human embryos. A major reason some people feel it is acceptable to clone human embryos is for the benefits of infertile couples (13). These embryos would be transported through the process of in vitro fertilization, but they would not be like typical in vitro fertilization processes. Since many in vitro births do not succeed, researchers have found that it may be possible to clone the in vitro embryos and allow the couple to have more chances a... no benefit to anyone. I feel it leads to a child feeling like they are not good enough because they are not who they are expected to be. I also feel it leads to guilt within the child, and a feeling of failure. The child is always going to feel like they were not able to live up to the standards predetermined by society. A child has the right to be their own person. I feel cloning the human embryo is not necessary because society has managed to survive thus far without it, why not continue that way? I feel every child has the right to be who they want to be, they should not have to duplicate the life of someone who already lived it. Works Cited McCuen, Gary E. Cloning: Science and Society. Wisconsin: Gary McCuen Publications, 1998. Neus, Elizabeth. "Stem Cells Grow From Clones, Controversial Report Shows." The Ithaca Journal 27 April 2001.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Connecting to the Web :: Internet Cyberspace Essays

Connecting to the Web The article Strike up the Bandwidth taken out of Computer User is about the way people can connect to the Internet. Bandwidth is a small wire where the connection goes through. For example, when I go on my computer at home, and go onto the Internet it is very slow and takes a while to get connected. Our bandwidth is a very small wire which takes the connection a while to travel from the wire to the computer modem. The article gives you four suggestions how to connect to the Internet at home or at a small or medium size business. The suggested ways are direct-dial-up, ISDN (integrated services digital network), DSL (digital subscriber line), and cable modems. The article also gives the prices of each way to connect to the Internet and how much money the connection would cost to run on a monthly basis. This article explains the drawbacks and advantages to each way to connect to the Internet. Businesses have plenty of options when it comes to connecting to the Internet especially a smal l business. Direct-dial up connection is the oldest way to connect to the Internet. With this connection a business can surf the web and send and receive e-mails. The way they will be charged when using the direct dial-up connection is how many times per month the business connects to the Internet along with actual time spent on the Internet. When using, there are two main disadvantages if businesses are considering using this connection. For one, the more people on the Internet the more trouble they will have trying to connect. The article suggests that the business should purchase more modems if your business is planning to use the Internet a lot. The second disadvantage is that the best speed a computer can possibly get from the direct-dial up connection is 56Kbps. This is fine if they are only going to be using the e-mail feature of the Internet but 56Kbps is quite slow if the business is planning to surf the Web a lot. Another way to connect to the Internet is by ISDN (integrated services digital network). ISDN is a telephone line, which the business still has to dial their ISP (Internet service provider) when connecting to the Internet. ISDN is offered at 68Kbps and 128Kbps. This feature is good if the business is going to surf the Web.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marketing Assignment

We want from our target market to make a habit of eating their meals in our restaurants. If we are able to reach them, this will help us to grow at the end of the first year. In addition to this, we have another objective which is to decrease the number of people who are not aware and people who are resisting to not purchase our goods. In this case, we are planning to encourage them to taste our products and take their opinions about them to adjust our goods according to their needs and wants. Stressing our competitive advantage to our target customers is our another goal which makes them loyal to our restaurants.Identify the marketing segment for the product and explain why this segment was selected. Because we are producing healthy fast foods for different diet programs, mass marketing does not fit our marketing strategy. Therefore we segment the market based on Demographics. For example, if gender is taken into consideration, woman and man should take different amount of calories per day in order to carry on their daily activities. Besides, amount of calories are taken by young people, adults, and elderly people changes as well according to their heights, weights, and activity levels.Therefore when our customers come to our restaurants, they should be able to find a food that best fits their diet in order to be satisfied. Moreover, we also segment the market based on geographic as well. In this case, we are planning to run our business in United States because there is a high demand for healthy foods since people want to live healthy and longer. Discuss the target market and why these customers will be targeted. We segmented market according to people’s ages and genders. We decided to target people whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more and tried to figure out the market size.According to US and World Population Clocks in the US Census Bureau web page, there are 309,092,421 people living in America now. Again, according to the report posted on US Ce nsus Bureau, Meyer (2001) stated that people whose age is under 18 is 26 percent, people whose age is between 18 and 64 is 62 percent and people whose age is more than 64 is 12 percent of US population. So if we assume that the percentage of people whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more remain unchanged from 2000 to 2010, the total population of young people, adults and elderly people is now 228,728,319. 62%+12%=74%, 309,092,421? 74%). Moreover, if we assume that 50 percent of this amount is woman and 50 percent of it man. So we have 114,364,159 men and 114,364,159 women whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more. This is a huge number and it seems that targeting this segment is profitable. Furthermore, this market size can grow in the future because in 2000 the total US population was approximately 281 million according to US Census Bureau 2000 report. (Meyer 2001). Today, as I mentioned above it is nearly 309 million. Conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and treats an alysis for company.One of our strengths is offering healthy foods. Our menu contains foods that they are rich in terms of protein, vitamins, mineral etc. which play an important role in the structure of human body. Secondly, while we are preparing our menu, we consult nutritionists about the ingredients, the types to enhance the variety and cooking techniques. In addition to this, our customers can benefit from the dietician service on every Mondays, and Fridays between 1-5pm. They can ask their questions and have a chance to take medical support. Moreover, we are using organic and fresh foods while we are cooking and these vegetables and ruits are produced and picked diligently. This is also one of our strengths that help us to meet our customers’ expectations. Unfortunately, we have also some weaknesses as well. One of the most important weaknesses of our healthy fast food restaurant is our prices. To produce organic vegetables and fruits is very costly. Therefore this is r eflected in prices of those kinds of products. Because organic foods are crucial ingredients of our foods, we also have to reflect the prices of vegetables and fruits to our food prices in order to make profit.In addition to this, because we do not offer any unhealthy foods such as fried chicken, fried potato, hamburger etc. our foods may not fit the people’s tastes. Beside our strengths and weaknesses, we have also some opportunities coming from macro environment. Firstly, people love eating in Unites States and they like to know about different and new foods. In addition to this, United States is the best place to run a fast food restaurant because of being a home country of fast food industry. Secondly, number of obese people is increasing day by day in United States because of overeating fast foods.Since these kinds of meals are unhealthy and they can cause serious health problems, this makes people more conscious while they are making decision about food choices. Therefo re they tend to eat more healthy foods. Thirdly, organic food industry is growing in Unites States and people tend to consume organic foods because of being healthful compared to regular vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, number one fast food chains such as McDonald’s, Burger King, etc. do not offer rich healthy meals alternative to unhealthy ones. In this case, consumers are in pursuit of healthy food restaurants.Lastly, in United States technology is advanced a lot to prepare fast and healthy foods. This leads fast food restaurants to work more efficient. We also have some threats caused by macro environment as well. For example, people may not have enough purchasing power to buy healthy foods. In this case unhealthy foods seems cheaper to them. Therefore they may tend to prefer unhealthy fast food restaurants. Besides, organic foods are expensive. As a result, restaurants that are not using organic foods charge lower prices to their meals compared to restaurants that use those kinds of egetables and fruits. Moreover, eating hamburger, fried potato, fried chicken, cheese burger, etc. can seem more attractive to customers. Therefore customers may prefer places that offer those foods. Describe the market position for your product and service When we are positioning our product, the quality and the price are taken into consideration and we compared our product with the one that is produced by our competitors. In the fast food market, we have many competitors; however our number one and well known competitors are McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy’s and others.In figure one, circles which are depicted closely represent our competitors and the upper circle represents our fast food company. The competitors’ circles are depicted closely because they are perceived more or less the same by consumers. For example, their menus and prices are more or less the same. They are using nearly same strategies. For instance, both Burger King and McDonalds have the dollar menus. Although our competitors offer some kinds of healthy foods such as salads, grilled chicken, etc. they are still selling unhealthy foods.On the other hand, our company’s number one strength is always serving healthy foods to our customers. Besides, we are offering free dietician service for our customers. Our customers can ask their questions and get a customized service. In light of these facts, our product quality is high relative to our competitors. price X’s Healthy Fast Food Restaurant Low qualityHigh quality Our competitors Figure 1 Perceptual Map In addition to our product quality, our products’ prices are also higher than the average prices as well. Because organic foods’ prices are high, we have to reflect this to our prices.According to figure 1 it can be seen that our competitors dominate us in terms of prices. However, we also dominate them in terms of product quality as well. Recommendations Service is an i ntangible product and X’s Healthy Fast Food Restaurants are producing both tangible product (i. e. food) and intangible product (i. e. dietician service). In service industry customer satisfaction is very important. If a company satisfies their customer’s needs and wants, they become loyal.Therefore management should know whether their customers are happy with the service provided or not. This is the case that X’s Healthy Fast Food Restaurant can be face with. Therefore we should do some surveys to measure the satisfaction level of our customers about the service quality. There are many tools to do this. For example, Winner (2004) stated that â€Å"One of the most popular approaches to measuring service quality is the SERVQUAL instrument† (p. 418). In this type of questionnaire there are several questions that measure the quality of service.If we put servqual surveys on customers’ table and request to fill them after they finish their meal we can m easure the satisfaction level of our customers by looking the results and this helps us to improve our service quality. Because service is an intangible product, customers may not know what they are buying until they buy. One author said that â€Å"†¦the service provider’s task is to make the service tangible in one or more ways† (Kotler 1999 p. 648). In this case, we should find some ways to make our product tangible.For example, if we give importance to keep our restaurants clean, our customers may think that we prepare our foods diligently. Providing a qualified and quick service can be another way to make our product tangible. If consumers see how we deliver our service quickly, they always prefer us.References Kotler, P. (1999). Principles of marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Winner, S. R. (2004). Marketing management: New Jersey Pearson Prentice Hall Meyer, J. (2001). Age:2000. US Census Bureau. Retrieved April 8, 2010 from http://www. census. gov/prod/20 01pubs/c2kbr01-12. pdf Marketing Assignment International market segmentation (International market segmentation) is the concept of market segmentation in the use of international marketing. Its concept is by comparing the domestic and international market for more buyers, a wider distribution. With businesses having limited power, it is usually very complex to meet the needs of worldwide customers. A market segment is defined as â€Å"a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants†. In this case its HSBC trying to target potential customers. The first key consideration is the benefits of segmentation. This segmentation uses customers as a point of reference.The firm can then focus on their marketing resources and it gives them competitive advantage by being able to serve more according to customer segments. There are four level of segmentation, first one is preference segments. Some consumers have a very different taste for the things that they want. Consumers are free to prefer HSBC or other banks ava ilable in the market. A group of people gathered their preference will show the natural segments. Second level of segmentation is niche. It is defined as a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits.HSBC in this case targets consumer niches with distinctive products and services. It is proved by having a pet insurance product, growing at a 125% per year. Third level is local,which involves local customer groups in trading areas, neighborhoods and even industrial stores . HSBC is actually focusing at serving local markets. They maintain to have local presence in the area with the tagline which is â€Å"world’s local bank†. Last level is individual, customer with HSBC bank card, etc will get a ride in the BankCab. The next step is to segment the consumer markets.The fundamentals to consider are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural. Geographic segmentation means dividing market into different geographical units such as nat ions, states, regions, cities or neighbors. HSBC demonstrated its local knowledge with marketing efforts dedicated to specific locations. In 2005, it set out to prove to jaded New Yorkers that the London-based financial behemoth was a bank with local-knowledge. Demographic segmentation means â€Å"dividing by age and life cycle, life stage, gender, income, generation and different social class†.HSBC offered a â€Å"smart card† and no frills credit cards to the underserved student segment and targeted high-value customers with special â€Å"Premium Centers† bank branches. Psychographic segmentation is segmentation depending on the person itself on primary motivation such an ideals and achievements. Last element is behavioral segmentation. This is segmenting â€Å"based on decision roles such as intiator, influencer, decider, buyer and user. † As for behavioural it consists of occasions, benefits, user status, user rate, buyer-readiness, loyalty status and attitude. The second key to be considered is target marketing.It develops measures of market attractiveness and select target segments. For example, â€Å"selecting the most profitable segments to focus on†. HSBC target student segment by offering â€Å"smart card† and high-value customers with special â€Å"Premium Centers† bank branches. Steps in segmentation process include need-based segmentation, segment identification, segment attractiveness, segment profitability, segment positioning, segment acid test and market mix strategy. â€Å"To be useful, market segments must rate favorably on five key criteria which are measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable and actionable. †The third key to be considered is the market positioning. Positioning is done by targeting segments and develops a marketing mix for each segment. For example â€Å"creating an image or position for the brand with competitors’ brands†. For example HSBC wants to be known as the â€Å"world’s local bank†. This tagline reflects HSBC’s positioning as a globe-spanning financial institution specialised on serving local markets. Strategy for positioning includes, â€Å"Identifying a set of possible competitive advantages on which to build a position†, choosing the right competitive advantages and selecting an overall positioning strategy

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Duke of Delirium: Duke Orsino Analyzed Through Structuralism

Orsino, the Duke of Delirium: Why Our Leaders Will Never Be Self-Aware Shakespeare adorns Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, with numerous character faults: narcissism, capriciousness, impatience; even Olivia finds the Duke repulsive in his â€Å"embassy† (1. 5), and Feste dubs him â€Å"a foolish wit† (1. 5). It is not until Viola enters that Orsino is painted in a new brighter light, and even then, the Duke acts entitled, shallow, and overly masculine (2. 4). Although â€Å"Twelfth Night† is not a tragedy, Orsino’s circumstance is tragic. He is trapped in a vicious hierarchy: a noble wall that separates him from others, protecting his off-putting persona. Because of his status, citizens cannot communicate to him his flaws. Because they cannot communicate, he is left stagnant at the end of the play. When analyzed via structuralism, Orsino’s character articulates the Ur Code that all noble men, protected by a thriving kingdom, act entitled and superior. Interestingly enough, the opposition: ‘Orsino’s perception of self’ verses ‘Other’s perception of Orsino’ (shown below) displays the only common attribute shared between the personal view and the outsider’s view of Orsino: nobility. While this may seem obvious, it explains the lack of communication between the governed and Orsino. The title, â€Å"Duke,† ultimately determines all of the opinions, and also prevents the presentation of these faults to Orsino. When it comes to Orsino, the fact that he holds power is what makes him feel entitled to constant entertainment from Feste, undying love from Olivia, and continuous approval from those he rules. Orsino is oblivious to his changeability and narcissism, which develops the irony of this situation. Orsino’s Perception of Orsino| Illyria’s Perception of Orsino| Great lover/ Romantic | Impatient | Constant | Fickle | Noble | Noble | Masculine | Insincere | Entitled/ Superior | Vainglorious/ Narcissistic| Shakespeare may have inserted this irony into â€Å"Twelfth Night† to further the theme ‘He/She is not what it appears. ’ In the same way as Viola is perceived as a man, but is really a woman, Orsino is perceived as a jerk, but considers himself brilliant. The only difference is that Viola’s perception of self is correct and Orsino’s is incorrect†¦that is, if we are allowed to judge! This question, perhaps, is the largest piece of Shakespeare’s message. The constant switches between gender (Viola/ Cesario), standing (Feste/ Sir Topas), and identity (Sebastian/ Viola) turn the audience’s perceptions upside down and make us question simple things like whether Orsino is good or bad. The Duke wins the heart of Viola in the end, but remains a stagnant ruler. Though they are to be married, he still views himself as being in control of her: â€Å"And since you call’d me master for so long,/Here is my hand: you shall from this time be/Your master’s mistress† (5. ). A female ruler would never have this level of authority, for it is not considered dignified or proper, further proving the point that only males in power possess an overwhelming sense of entitlement. Male entitlement, sadly, is a pattern established in many other portrayals of leaders from Caesar to King George III. Our culture and hierarchies prevent accurate communication, leaving rulers in a state of delirium, a state which Shakespeare’s play s intended for us to be in all along.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Review on Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku Essay

The most recent book that I have read is â€Å"Physics of the Impossible† written by Michio Kaku. It seems like the author doesn’t know the meaning of the word â€Å"impossible†, or rather, to be slightly more accurate, he has redefined the term to enable him realistically to examine and predict the future of science and technologies, from teleportation and time travel to robots and starships. Michio Kaku is an esteemed theoretical physicist and one of the world’s leading authorities on string theory (essentially an attempt to discover a â€Å"theory of everything† combining all of the known physical forces), and he also specialises in future science, having presented several television programmes on the topic. Kaku is well placed to try to imagine what developments might possibly occur in the fields of science and technology over the coming years, centuries, millennia and aeons. Handily, for those of us not familiar with the process of speculating on the future of physics, he’s split his impossibilities into three categories. Class I impossibilities are technologies which are impossible today, but don’t violate the known laws of physics. Kaku reckons that these impossibilities – including things such as teleportation and psychokinesis – might be possible in sometime within the next couple of hundred years. Class II impossibilities such as time machines and hyperspace travel are at the very edge of our scientific understanding, and may take millions of years to become possible. And the trickiest of all, Class III impossibilities, are technologies which break the laws of physics as we know them. Surprisingly, there are very few of these, and Kaku only examines two, perpetual motion machines and precognition (seeing into the future). This book takes a serious look at the science behind all the crazy futuristic ideas that have been showing up in science fiction over the years. Indeed, there are so many references to Star Trek and Star Wars scattered throughout this book, that you sometimes wonder if physicists just spend all their time watching old sci-fi re-runs and trying to work out how to recreate the technologies included in them. In some sense, this is an intriguing vision of our possible development over the forthcoming millennia, but at the same time it’s also frustrating. After reading Kaku’s boundless enthusiasm for the future, what i wouldn’t give for a real-life time machine to travel forwards and see just how accurate his predictions are. I enjoyed how Kaku presented his cases in terms of recent scientific and technological developments where possible, and for the most part he was a clear and engaging writer, able to explain some mind-boggling physics concepts in terms which are fairly easy to grasp, especially when dealing with his Class I impossibilities in the earlier chapters. As the book progresses into more and more speculative territory, he is forced to rely less on using current research and development, and more on purely theoretical physics. After all that I can say that the book noticeably expanded my vocabulary and gave me some insight on just what can we expect from the future. I will defiantly try reading some other books by this author in my foreseeable future.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Own Self Concepts Essay

Own Self Concepts SPC 2300 – 12 Own Self Concepts 1. Define one change you would like to make in yourself. It might be a behavior or anything about yourself that you would like to alter. * I would like to change one of my behaviors about myself. The worst quality about me is that I am always late no matter what the case may be. I am not late on purpose, but it seems like something always puts me behind schedule. It drives both my family and friends crazy. They have learned when I say I will be there in thirty minutes, to expect me in about an hour. This is a behavior of mine that I need to work on immediately. . Write a specific goal for making the change, being sure your goal is realistic and fair. Use affirming, motivational language in your goal. For example, â€Å"I will show my best friends that I am paying attention when they talk to me. † * This is something about myself I have needed to change for a long time. It is not something I do intentionally to drive my f amily and friends crazy. I need to become a little more time oriented, so that I can be where I say I am going to be, at a certain time. I will show my family and friends that I can be on time to their events. My first goal is to sit down with a calendar, and write down already known events and times. This way I will not schedule more than one event at a time. Next, by having a planner, I can add any new events that occur in future. I will be able to check available dates and make sure I have nothing already planned. Lastly, by sticking to my schedule and planning ahead it should reduce the amount of time I am late. I know I always have to expect the unexpected, but at least I have control over the already known about. 3. Observe or think of others who are models for what you want to be. Write down what they do. For example, â€Å"Tracy nods a lot and repeats back what others say so they know she is listening. † * A model person for me to observe and take tips from would be my mother. She will have a whole list of things to accomplish within her day, and gets them all done and on time. She has a monthly day planner that she carries with her at all times. She always makes sure to add important and upcoming events, as well as any of her daily to-dos to the planner. My mom also makes sure not to make more plans than she can fulfill within her day. It seems to work for my mom, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for me. . What context or setting is required for you to achieve your goal? For example, â€Å"I will talk with my friends in private, distraction-free settings. † * I will need to follow the schedule I set for myself and not let myself get distracted from my original plans. It might even be good for my family and friends to be a little bit stricter when it co mes to my tardiness. For the most part, this behavior is something I have to train myself on. No one else can do this for me. I have got to learn how to manage my time better, so that I will arrive at events when I am supposed to be there. . Identify potential barriers to the change. Some potential barriers that may cause some problems for my change will be the exact people who request the change of me. I will admit that I do control a lot of my tardiness, but not all of it is my fault. I will be on my way somewhere, when a friend asks me to do something for them. They promise it will only take five minutes. At that point, it is usually over an hour when they are done with me. I have got to learn to tell my family and friends no sometimes, in order to fulfill prior obligations.

A specific foreign culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A specific foreign culture - Assignment Example That is to say that the paper will brief us on how different was communication in the past as compared to the present in terms of the reasoning and therefore give the outcome. These and many more will be featured in this research project. Culture can be said to be the communication system. It is the way people relate to one another in terms of customs and values. It is the focal point in terms of peoples’ relationship. What am saying is that culture brings people together and they are able to understand from each other, relate to one another and able to identify themselves from the rest of the groups. And in fact, Eric O. Ayisi in his book: Introduction to the Study of African Culture, defines culture as a sum total of the material and intellectual equipment whereby they satisfy their biological and social needs and adapt themselves to their environment (1). It is therefore the people’s practices and beliefs that differentiate them from others. On the other hand, interp ersonal communication is a close link in terms of passing of ideas between two or more people but within a small group. It is all about passing of information from one individual to the next with the view of enhancing fluent communication. The kisii people have got a culture that defines and give them identity. Their communication systems were arranged in such a way that hierarchical order was the determinant factor; that no information could be passed to the children without first reaching the elders from which the information would pass to the rest of the community members. This was to ensure that respect is in place and that the elders are much more experienced in community issues and any emerging issues can be easily dealt with by the elders than it could be done by women and children. Perhaps it is good to mention different ways through which information was passed for easy communication. First, we will look at how communication was done within the context of the family and the n communication within the community at large. The interpersonal communication within the family was very basic. As Owen Hargie puts it in his book: Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice, communication therefore represents the very essence of the human condition (2). This is where every member of the family was required to keep in touch with one another. All male children were directly linked to their father and their counterparts, the female children linked to their mother. Not at any time one could break such a system. In fact, Scott Loveless and Thomas Holman in their book: The Family in the New Millennium: World Voices Supporting the "Natural" Clan, Volume 1 puts it clearly that the family is the exclusive social unity sanctioned to nurture the inborn, instill human behaviors, and ensure that human rules and laws spinning around emotions and interactions are respected (94). All male children were therefore advised by their fathers and the elders on t he task ahead of them. For instance, getting ready to take care of homestead at large or even getting prepared to be the warriors of the village. On the other hand, female children were advised by their mothers and the grandmothers on how to cook, fetch water and how to behave more especially in front of the elders and men at large. Children were there

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emil Sodersten and Architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Emil Sodersten and Architecture - Research Paper Example raphy, accessed April 27, 2013, In 1927, Emil Sodersten became a council-member of the Institute of Architects in New South Wales, and in 1931 Fellow of Royal Australian Institute of Architects.6 Sodersten died in 1961, at the age of 62. His life coincided with three architectural design periods in Australia; federation period (1890-1915), interwar period (1915-1940), and postwar period (1940-1960). 7 Advent of 20th century is associated with the socioeconomic changes in the Australian society; on January 1, 1901, Australia became the commonwealth of Australia. The socioeconomic changes in Australian history displayed large-scale building construction in the suburbs within Sydney and Melbourne.8 At that time, federation architectural design style was popular in the building construction. Australia borrowed federation design style idea from Queen Anne style of architecture from England and the United States. It refers to the En glish Baroque architectural style and it was popular in the early decades of the twentieth century. Featured architectural characteristics of this style relate to towers, turrets, gables, steep roofs, vertical scale to windows and doors, symmetry and asymmetry, and Australian verandah. Some of the noted architects who used Federation style are Walter Liberty Vernon (1864-1914), George McRae (1958-1923), and Robin Dods (1868 – 1920).9 ___________________________________ 6. Kristine Sodersten. Emil Sodersten: His Contribution to the Development of Architecture in Australia, 1925-1940 (Sydney: University of South Wales, 1967). 7. Richard Apperley, Robert Irving, and Peter Reynolds, A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture: Style and Terms from 1788 to the Present (Melbourne:... Australian history displayed large-scale building construction in the suburbs within Sydney and Melbourne.8 At that time, federation architectural design style was popular in the building construction. Australia borrowed federation design style idea from Queen Anne style of architecture from England and the United States. It refers to the English Baroque architectural style and it was popular in the early decades of the twentieth century. Featured architectural characteristics of this style relate to towers, turrets, gables, steep roofs, vertical scale to windows and doors, symmetry and asymmetry, and Australian verandah. Some of the noted architects who used Federation style are Walter Liberty Vernon (1864-1914), George McRae (1958-1923), and Robin Dods (1868 – 1920). Emil Sodersten’s professional life is associated with the architectural design style era of America and Europe where prevailing styles at that time were Modern and Art Deco. Modern movement in architectur al design style was credited to those architects who had avant-garde ideas, and at the same time were able to articulate them. Avant-grade ideas are personal philosophies and theories. In Europe, Le Corbusier, and architects from the Bauhaus, Frank Lloyd Wright, were the â€Å"influencers† of this movement. In the architectural design, modernism carried a sociopolitical message. The concept of the message was to break barriers among aesthetics, techniques, and society.10 Modernist architects maintained simplicity in form and design,.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Got milk Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Got milk - Case Study Example The business will also lose its operating license and in the process face prosecution for not maintaining health standards in the production of food products. The management of the business and in particular the procurement department should be help responsible when products are manufactured by using contaminated milk. The procurement department should be held liable since they are charged with the task of acquiring and testing raw products (Hartley & Bruckmann, 2002). A CRM system would have been very useful in the process of communicating issues regarding milk production in the supply chain. A CRM would have helped in learning all aspects of a customer’s behaviors and needs, and use this information for better company management that is performing damage control. Through a CRM, the management of a milk production company can embark on damage control by informing customers on the problem that has occurred during the production process. The management will have to provide an official apology to customers this will send a signal to customers that the management is truly sorry about the unfortunate situation. A company would also perform an effective damage control using the CRM, by offering efficient customer service and providing customers with high standardized milk products (Hartley & Bruckmann, 2002). As much as maintain ethical behavior is important, respect for human life is equally important. I do not agree with the act of sentencing the middlemen to death. The middlemen would have been sentenced to prison as the dairy boss was sentence to life imprisonment. The act of sentencing to death is very extreme. The court would have opted for a different form of sentencing instead of death sentences. The United States is governed by a democratic government, and in essence, it should not consider implementing similar laws as those of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Discuss whether the company is moving away from its core competency of Essay

Discuss whether the company is moving away from its core competency of being a leading online retailer. Present areas where Amaz - Essay Example Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): According to Amazon Web Services (2010); S3 is an online data storage service that enables the users to store and retrieve data from anywhere in the world. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Engleman (2010) stated that initially, Amazon had started selling individual users computing resources from their own data hubs but now they are trying to compete with tech giants, Google and Microsoft, to offer extensive cloud computing power to federal agencies. Microsoft and Google have been in the market for offering web services over a longer period of time as compared to Amazon. Amazon has been a market leader in the field of e-commerce and has possessed the core competency in online retailing since over a decade. Hiner (2009) stated that the respective retailer company acquired technical expertise after developing the infrastructure for their online retailing service; this expertise cannot be compared or competed with the technical skills and experience that are possessed by the high profile teams at Google and Microsoft. The main objective and mission of the two tech giants have been web services or technical products whereas Amazon has always focused on the retailing business. The Amazon’s shift of focus to web services will affect their position as the market leader in online retailing. An

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Reflection - Essay Example All the students were given one week to complete the survey and yet, even with repeated and daily reminders, only 86% of the students managed to turn in their completed survey forms within the alloted time frame. The remaining 14 percent took a full 2 weeks to answer the survey form. Thus turning in their forms a full week late from the preset deadline. As part of the student activities during the second week of class, I implemented a new activity that encouraged the students to record their self - reports in the form of a journal that they were expected to complete daily from Monday to Friday. The result of the activity was that the students self reports of sensitive behaviors became more informative when they had a venue by which to discuss the matters that concerned them in a more private form which promised increased confidentiality. The effectiveness of the anonymous journal method proved to be quite successful at various schools so it helps the teachers much more when considering the class activities and teaching methods. Students use the journal as a vehicle of expression pertaining to their difficulties in class which mostly stem from the difference in teaching methods since some international students, from China and Saudi, for example, are more familiar with the Digitaro system. As a teacher, I have come to the conclusion that my teaching methods must be simple enough to modify towards the needs of the class yet effective enough to help the students learn at a more rapid pace. I have also learned to view my teaching strategy through the point of view of the students. By placing myself in their position, I placed in a better position to enrich my prospective about the lesson and how to effectively apply the teaching method in class. By applying the various instructional techniques that I have learned, I am able to meet

Friday, August 9, 2019

Managerial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Managerial Accounting - Essay Example Similarly, the planning must incorporate the limitations that the organizations have while, at the same time, focusing on the long term goals and desires of the organization; this can only be done through effective budgeting and further budget control. It is indispensable tool for measuring performance. The success of any worthwhile organization is hinged on a good budget because it gives a platform where income and expenditure estimates are done at an advance date by use of historical data. By so doing, the budget helps the organization in different ways such as control, coordination and eventual measurement of the organization. Through the same, the organization can derive motivation geared towards a better future (CHONG et al 2007). According to CARPENTER (2006) a budget is defined as a tentative quantitative manifestation of future expectations and, is usually prepared by the management of any organization. There are different types of budgets and are concerned with planning for the future. If done in the right manner, a budget can serve as a means of control within the organization since in it are all the organizations plans, goals and key performance initiatives and indicators. They are usually prepared either annually or monthly or at any other interval, depending on the need. The significance of budgets is that they allow the management of the organization to take a look at the past failures and success; and that helps in formulating the best strategies for the future. The advent of 21st century has a brought with it many complications for different organizations. As such restricting within organization is inevitable; budgeting and control have become integral part of the organizations since it is clear that they have a big role in the general performance of the organization. In that regard, many financial and lending institutions have put much focus on budgeting as a tool of establishing performance in any organization. Similarly,